UPTO 35 / Competition

Location: Athens, Greece
Program: student housing
Architect: Aleksandar Shinolov, Yana Radeva
Client: Oliaros
Year: 2009

Site Area: 2759m2; Bldg. Area: 1495m2; Gross Floor Area: 5930m2;Bldg. Scale: Stories above Ground 4, Stories below Ground 2;Structure: cast concrete, steel; Materials: wood cladding,alu glazing; Max.Height: 15.50m; parking lots: 52;



   1. To make single student rooms where a man could relax, isolate, feel  free, study.
   2. To form spaces which could be used by all students like kitchen with dinning room. These space will be a place where everybody could eat, talk, contact with each other and have a good time.
   3. To make single living units that gives an expression to the private and float in the community space as a metaphor of the connection between the individual and the society.
   4. To build a suggestive architectural image of private and common. The private is thick, save, simple, solid. The common is transparent, light, complex.

Spatial  and functional aims are:

   1. Determination of the appropriate module. After analysing the parameters of the nine plots that are object of the project we have chose a square 3.30m x 3.30m which houses the main unit –single student room.
   2. Determining the virus typology. Having in mind the various parameters of the nine plots and the existing neighbour   buildings, we have specified the variation of the module unit and the borders  of it’s  deformation, considering the specific conditions of the environment and the architectural and planning requirements.


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